About Me

I'm advised by Prof. Dan Jurafsky. I'm a member of the Stanford NLP Group and Stanford AI Lab. I'm interested in generative models for text representation, discourse coherence, domain adaptation, relation extraction, knowledgebase construction, and mental health applications.
I've also worked with David Grangier in Google Brain and Kelvin Guu at Google AI Research as well as Alon Halevy, Prof. Chris Re and Prof. Keith Winstein on various topics in AI and Systems.

Contact Details

Dan Iter
Palo Alto, CA 94306 US
my full name AT stanford.edu


Stanford University

PhD in Computer Science Present

I am focusing in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. I'm advised by Prof. Dan Jurafsky. My research interests are pretrained language models, discourse coherence, attribute extraction and knowledge base construction.

Columbia University

B.S. in Computer Science May 2011

I graduated Summa Cum Laude. I did research in information retrieval in social data with Prof. Luis Gravano and Hila Becker. My focus was in systems. I was also a member of Bacchanal.


Google Brain

Research Intern/ Student Researcher June 2020 - Present

Host: David Grangier
Analysis of data selection methods for domain adaptation in machine translation and language modeling. Training transformer-based NMT models using contrastive methods and finetuned-BERT domain classifiers for selecting data most similar to a small target domain.

Google AI Research

Research Intern June 2019 - September 2019

Host: Kelvin Guu
Coherence objectives for language modeling - learning sentence representation by training transformer language models to understand sentence ordering and discourse distance.

Google Web Answers

Research Intern June 2018 - September 2018

Entity attribute extraction - a special case of relation extraction where attributes describe searchable aspects of the entity.

Megagon Labs

Research Intern June 2017 - August 2017

Advisors: Alon Halevy and Wang-Chiew Tan
FrameIt: A system to quickly build framings and SRLs for exploring large text corpora. In progress of building an ontology of happy moments in HappyDB.


Software Engineer (R&D) June 2015 - December 2015

I helped design a new highly parallel processor architecture that offers GPU performance on an x86 instruction set. I profiled our design on a number of common machine working workloads.


Software Engineer June 20012 - May 2015

As the 9th member of this startup I was involved from our first prototype to our second major product. I worked across the stack including implemented kernel drivers for high performance distributed caching for datacenters, MVC business logic for system managament and even built our light weight cross platform installer.



  • Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable ... obstacles, but that may be said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it.

    Theodor Herzl